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How to make an efficient Cow farm in Minecraft


So, how efficient is this farm?

This farm produces drops from 12 cows in 20 minutes, and it kills the right amount of cows to maintain 25 cows in the farm.

How big is this Farm?

This farm is 3x3x3.5 blocks big, pretty small if you ask me.

How fast can you build this?

An average person (me) can build this farm in 20 minutes from a new world

Does this farm produce mushroom soup?

Only if you use mooshrooms and if you have spare bowls

How do the cows get killed?

When there are 25 cows in the farm, breeding the will cause 12 cows to be killed via entity cramming

How do I make the farm bigger?

You don't, to make the farm produce more, make more copies of the farm